A simple websocket wrapper enabling RPC communication with the steem client steemd
for node.js and browsers.
This library is available as an NPM module:
npm install steem-rpc
If you would like to use it in a browser, browser builds are available in /build. An example is provided in examples/index.html
Node/Webpack/Browserify usage
The library needs to initialize a connection and retrieve some api references before it is ready to be used. By default steem-rpc will attempt to connect to a public API node provided by xeroc at wss://
A simple init and use case can be seen in examples/example.js and can be launched with npm run example
const options = {
// user: "username",
// pass: "password",
// url: "ws://localhost:9090",
// debug: false
var {Client} = require("steem-rpc");
var Api = Client.get({}, true);
Api.initPromise.then(response => {
console.log("Api ready:", response);
Api.database_api().exec("get_dynamic_global_properties", []).then(response => {
console.log("get_dynamic_global_properties", response);
If you'd like to use another server, simply pass the new websocket url in the options object:
const options = {
url: "ws://localhost:9090"
This library borrows heavily from James Calfee's websocket RPC implementation for the Bitshares GUI which can be found here:
Example api commands
There's a handy "shortcut" api call that will get you a global state object:
get_state(string route)
You can call this with an empty string, or with a category like trending
Api.database_api().exec("get_state", ["trending"]).then(response => {
console.log("get_state", response);
There is no api call to fetch all possible calls, but one can look through the STEEM source code in order to find the available commands with their expected inputs:
Database api
Market history api
Network broadcast api ++